The principle of hope
Some people throw their hands up in disbelief at my composure coupled with a deep black sense of humour. But what should...
as amyotrophelateralsklerose amyotrophiclateralsclerosis Exploiting a position of power Out-of-hospital intensive care Out-of-hospital intensive care TheIstALS ExplicitContent FreePremium fullfacemask home respiration Hyperbole Intensive care IPReG IToldYouSo KeinerMagKlugscheißer KnowDuALS Climate conference Climate crisis Climate change lifelessons Mask ventilation Nature conservation NIV niv mask Care assessment maintenance errors Care insurance Nursing emergency PflegeZuHause Premium contribution QueerVeganEcoterrorist Rainforest RainforestInCanada RISG Sarcasm rare diseases Animal welfare tobii vegan VeganIstGeil vegetarian Veggie Encroachment Exaggeration
Some people throw their hands up in disbelief at my composure coupled with a deep black sense of humour. But what should...
Spoiler: Better sit down before you read on. When you've recovered from the initial shock share my post, tag...