I'm giving you exactly four weeks until my birthday to donate. Tell your family, tell your friends. Send the link to all your work colleagues, I don't care.

On my birthday, 15 October, I double at /0:02 with everything I have in the account. And we'll save the Earth together. Deal?




7.553,32 € gespendet
74 Spender
Kampagne wurde beendet

This year is going to be epic. I mean, last year was already great in terms of what we raised. In case you weren't on board then,  here , you can read the story. Last year we collected no less than € 1,455 for ALS-mobil e. V.. And that was just a crazy idea of mine. I'm curious to see what it will be this year with my crazy plan. The plan, exactly.

I have always found it difficult to judge how sustainable the whole thing is when donating to environmental aid organisations. Or whether the money actually gets to what you think you're donating to. I could explain to you exactly what I mean. In fact, I do. herein a detailed report on the whys and wherefores. You will need a few minutes to read it all. But I promise you it will be worth it.