As we have already established, everything always seems different with me than with everyone else.

I am ventilator-dependent, but have nevertheless opted for mask ventilation. Unfortunately, most people are put off by this at first. But it is easy to put on the masks comfortably and precisely. Even without pressure points despite zero leakage. You just need someone to explain and show you one or two tiny details that are important. If you know them, it works perfectly with the NIV mask. But if you don't know the finer points, no chance, it won't work. Unfortunately, handover and training are not competencies in the job profile of nursing staff. So I'll do it. Because it's important.

I can barely purse my lips, my jaw and cheek muscles can't even manage to get water horizontally through a straw into my mouth. It takes my lame tongue two minutes to move a Pantoprazole from the tip of my tongue to the back of my palate. Nevertheless, I have decided - at least until today - against a PEG. Because, to stay with the Pantoprazole example, once the tablet has reached the roof of my mouth, I swallow it even without liquid. To this day, I have never swallowed a Pantoprazole tablet. Fact. I have choked on saliva hundreds of times, but no PEG can help me against that. So in order to take in food and liquid, I need creative aids. And I promise you, it works. But even then, only if you know and understand how. So it's important. I'll explain.

I have already said how important the humidifier is. That's why I also explain how to operate it.

And such supposedly simple things as a cannabis vaporiser, with which even the densest stoner can cope, have already caused quite a lot of superfluous frustration. But the vaporiser isn't there (just) for fun either, it saves me from having to take six different drugs, four of which are really heavy and have gross side effects. And yes, you've got it, I also explain this nice device.

I will explain every other aid. It is not acceptable that even today, nursing staff who have never seen a cough machine should ensure my survival. So let's go ahead and start gl

So let's go ahead and get started right away. If you don't have any coffee yet... now is the time to get some. Good coffee is always good.

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