Oh, I can appeal? My ass. I disagree. I can do a lot more than that, so you'd better watch out.

So. Welcome to a new round of Patrick's excitement that everything is a fool. But there are also a lot of dorks out there. And I'm not alone with my opinion. I think.

What is it about? Briefly touched on the subject, the assessment by the MDK. When I hear that together in one sentence. MDK and expert opinion. Expert opinion and MDK. That can only turn to shit. Yes, I'm biased. I generalise, I exaggerate, I dramatise and there may be professional groups who feel offended. I'm sorry about that. Honestly. I know you're just doing your job. I also don't expect everyone to stand by their own values as hard as I do. Very few people - like me - will even say "Fuck you." to their boss when given the choice of doing something they think is unfair or being summarily dismissed. Although my girlfriend had just moved out, I suddenly had to pay € 1,800 a month in rent alone and, well, to be honest, I didn't have a cent in my bank account at the time. But...

Stupidly, I see no valid reason to stop my politically incorrect, because very emotional criticism. Not as long as I have to listen to such bullshit from the MDK as the one we are about to talk about. I also feel insulted by it. Even today, I still feel sick to my stomach when I read through this initial report, even though it was years ago. Besides, I am someone who takes great pleasure in such cat-and-mouse games. The legal cases I have fought for my clients have been much more lucrative than this pile of pellets. And yet it's David against Goliath. A role in which I feel very comfortable. But I know from personal conversations with other people concerned that the rule is quite different. You have better things to do than worry about those who are supposed to take care of you. So, theoretically.

And to be honest, maybe I want to polarise and offend. Arouse emotions. Make you think. Then maybe something will change. Because seriously, something has to change. In my own review, after countless pages of bullshit, I come to the following conclusion. Now hold on, I'm serious and not joking.

"no change relevant to care is to be expected in the medium term".

Notification of care level iS xxxxxxxxxxxx from 1.10.2019

Yes, no, it's just not true at all. I often write such phrases as "it's only half true" or "I find it rather mediocre". But no, well... simply no. No matter how you look at it, that's about as true as saying Putin is a nice person, there are no conflicts to be expected in the medium term. And what do you dream about at night?

We don't know enough about ALS to develop a drug against it, perhaps. But what we do know is that amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) cannot be stopped and invariably leads to death. I have to put this so harshly because it is important for the case. Life expectancy is stated differently in studies and books. There is also disagreement among doctors. I would just say, statistically speaking, I'm already scattered around Lake Tegernsee. Because no matter where you look up; that it's steep, very steep or incredibly steep downhill, they all agree on that. History knows of no case in which ALS has permanently stagnated. You are welcome to believe in miracle (healers). I only believe in what I can measure. And this is what the data looks like.

Dear MDK experts, for you to write down in simple language: One of the things that all known manifestations of ALS have in common is permanent change. Every day you wake up, you have to reckon with the fact that everything could be different again in the evening. Or it already is. The is ALS. Not what is written in my report. What is described there is at best MS in disguise or something. I'm not a doctor. I'm not an expert. What do I know? I can only speak for myself. And I I think we need to talk about that. Of course, mistakes happen. But I have more than the greatest doubts that in my case, of all people, it was a single error in a single expert opinion. What person in need of care has the means to rebel so vehemently against this? Most cases never make it into the public eye.

Accordingly, I will now start the topic provocatively:

You can see how this topic angers me. I have a need for justice that is sometimes a little too crass. Add to that my also very pronounced black-and-white thinking. Hallelujah. If we then talk about environmental issues or those where I see a disadvantaged group being treated unfairly, oh, then it gets fun. I am on fire.

This post will be revised soon. I just need to sleep because the MDK is coming in eight hours and my face hurts from the mask.

As far as the flawless success rate is concerned, that also applies to this procedure. I am probably the only one who explicitly does not claim a higher care level with his objection, but rather only asks for a correction of the incorrectly presented individual points. And after the correction, the MDK realised shit, now we have to give the troublemaker a higher care level. As I said, I didn't even ask for that. Wink smiley.

Enough of the long prefaces. So what does my opposition look like?

You'll find out tomorrow here. Give me a few minutes to catch my breath.