Now it's already Thursday, time is running out and well, everything looks like it's going to work out with my new care service. Several staff members have already been here for induction. The two guys yesterday made a quiet but motivated and professional impression. The colleague today was also great. Apart from the passion he shares with me for all kinds of high-quality music on records, his other patient is also an ALS sufferer. You can tell right away. Every move is perfect, like the courageous grab for Mark Knopfler and the statement that you can't miss this opportunity to listen to it on vinyl.


The admission interview with the nursing officer took place at noon today. Actually, it was planned for yesterday and she was also here. When she found out that my friend was flying home today, she said she didn't want to take up our precious time. She asked if she could come back tomorrow, i.e. today. Freili. Apart from a trusting, competent and quite determined personality (that's just my thing, as you know I can't stand bumbling around to death), her appearance was also professional. If something doesn't fit, here is her business and private mobile number. She is always available. With respect, I will certainly not hear from her in response to complaints that it is difficult to get any nurses at all and if I criticised them, they would just call in sick and I would have no one left.


In general, everything makes a pleasantly reliable, orderly and regular impression. Everyone knows what they have to do and does it. Man, have I missed that. We even have disinfectant, hand lotion, gloves and disposable flannels. And an emergency kit. Contrary to popular belief, I have nothing against an emergency kit. I just have a problem when people harp on about how important it is (I guess the MDK requires it) and then this case is a bag from the greengrocer that, like the rest of the equipment, is also spread all over my flat. If I was serious about this, I wouldn't have been the one to find out that I had been given one for infants with my mouth bigger than the mask of the ambu-bag. But it doesn't matter, the recent test showed that the air volume of the existing bag was not sufficient to ventilate me without triggering a lung-cramping panic attack. And it was only a dry run, so that I could test it at least once. What consequence was drawn from this do you want to know? A please. Water under the bridge.

Services covered

Another important issue. The services for August are covered. Things are happening. So far, so good. As it always is, there is one catch. I am still waiting for the nursing contract. Hopefully it will come soon. I'm looking positively into the future. At least the nursing service was able to process the prescription thanks to Anette. My family doctor still hasn't managed to send me a follow-up prescription after a week. Instead, I have to be pestered by e-mail about what I have. It's too bad that the staff member "forgot" to put his/her own name under it.

More happened, but you were brave enough to make it this far. On that note, have the honour. Sleep well.

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