Dear Diary,
Please explain to me how you can't notice this as a carer. In the last few days and weeks, okay, months, I can't stop being amazed. You have to close both eyes a la Jackass.
I'm convinced that the main cause is the permanent unrest caused by my nursing service. As long as I don't have this permanent construction site sorted out, nothing will change. But hey, I'm working on it.
And my toe? What happened there?
Well, opinions differ quite a bit on that.
I claim it's simply because my sister removed the supposed dead skin on the nails and my feet are just not used to it anymore. It worked stress-free on all the other toenails. Only the left big toe reacted quite insulted. Apart from the irritation of the skin and tissue, I can't see anything an inflammation, nor do I see an ingrown toenail.
My carers are not so relaxed about it. That's where the last two theses come from. That it is infected anyway, in addition they assume an ingrown toenail.
It sounds illogical to me. For 43 years I never had an ingrown nail. Neither on my hand nor on my foot. It did hurt a little at times when I was having my feet done, but my pain threshold until I say something is known to be a little higher up. It would be too much of a coincidence for one day for a nail to grow in for the first time at the same time.
My doctor has been informed. Wait and see and drink coffee.
Until there's news on that front, I'm doing what I do best. Shocking with pictures. Wink smiley.