A second eye control is needed.
It doesn't help. My eye control is more and more important for survival. Again, I couldn't make myself noticed this morning....
as amyotrophelateralsklerose amyotrophiclateralsclerosis Exploiting a position of power Out-of-hospital intensive care Out-of-hospital intensive care TheIstALS ExplicitContent FreePremium fullfacemask Statutory health insurance HomeCare home respiration Hyperbole Intensive care IPReG IToldYouSo KeinerMagKlugscheißer KnowDuALS Climate crisis Smartass lifelessons Mask ventilation Nature conservation NIV niv mask Care assessment maintenance errors Care insurance Nursing emergency PflegeZuHause Premium contribution QueerVeganEcoterrorist Rainforest RISG Sarcasm rare diseases Animal welfare tobii vegan VeganIstGeil vegetarian Veggie Encroachment Exaggeration
It doesn't help. My eye control is more and more important for survival. Again, I couldn't make myself noticed this morning....
Dear diary, it's like being in a madhouse. Just recently I reported that my care service...
Dear diary, I've once again spent quite a lot on my skincare and treatments over the last few weeks. It feels like...
Nothing but stress and anger And there it was, the PEG. Secretly, quietly and silently. Kaboom. To be honest...
It's been quite a while since I had any problems with my health insurance company. Since I've had a personal contact person, I've...