I pulled the PEG.
After six days, the wound has still not healed. Despite daily dressing changes and Lavanid application, the wound...
After six days, the wound has still not healed. Despite daily dressing changes and Lavanid application, the wound...
An exciting topic. Because without a good night's sleep, I'm good for nothing. It's a bit like the iron...
I am merely explaining what I consider to be the obvious possible reasons for the fact that things have not been...
Now the whole discussion is starting all over again. Only this time it's not about the PEG, but...
Pageviews: 557 Quiz question: What happens when an intensive care nurse feels unwell and feels positive about his home-care ventilator patient?
Page views: 809 Nothing but stress and anger And there it was, the PEG. Secretly, quietly and silently. Kaboom....
Seitenaufrufe: 803 Achtung! Unbezahlte Werbung ? Oh wie ich diese süße Versuchung geliebt habe. Ich bin zwar nicht so...
Seitenaufrufe: 858 Eine quälende Stunde sinnloser Erklärungsversuche, wie man die Maske korrekt aufsetzt… und einen deshalb kalten Kaffee mit...
Pageviews: 1,158 To quote Sheldon, under normal circumstances I'd say I told you so. But, as I have...
Page views: 1,148 Prepared article, deliberately not up to date. I could have published this article a few days or weeks ago...