Team building undesirable.
Pageviews: 588 Dear diary, one last time the management of my care service has managed to disappoint across the board....
Pageviews: 588 Dear diary, one last time the management of my care service has managed to disappoint across the board....
Page views: 711 So. Now it's getting entertaining. As always, I won't mention any names. But I will take the liberty of naming whole passages...
Page views: 551 Have I ever mentioned that nobody likes know-it-alls? It was a rhetorical question. Of course I have...
Seitenaufrufe: 623 Es hilft nichts. Meine Augensteuerung ist mehr und mehr überlebenswichtig. Wieder konnte ich mich heute früh nicht...
Seitenaufrufe: 581 Liiiiebes Tagebuch, so viel Mist, wie ich in den vergangenen Tagen und Wochen erleben durfte, brauchen wir...
Pageviews: 625 Dear Diary, It's like being in a madhouse. Just recently I reported that...
Seitenaufrufe: 656 Liebes Tagebuch, eigentlich hatte ich mir ja vorgenommen, weniger zu fluchen. Und auf was für Ideen komme...
Pageviews: 577 Dear Diary, It wasn't so long ago that I wrote something about how little pain...
Pageviews: 514 Hi there, my dear diary, today is going to be a good day. There was a little "misunderstanding" at 5 o'clock in the morning,...