Some people throw their hands up in horror at my composure coupled with deep black humour. But what's the point of stressing yourself out? Nothing. Things could be worse. Besides, there is hope there is hope. At least I hope so. At the moment, though, it really does all look like my jigsaw is actually coming together after all. On Wednesday, I hope to hold my new care contract in my hands. Close, I'm well aware of that. After that, it's Thursday and this month is practically over. But who am I to let that stress me out? Everything still has a certain charm, don't you think? You still seem to be reading?

Briefly on the state of things. Uh, spoilers... Whenever I start a sentence with "Briefly about...", it becomes more of a "brief" story.

Get to know

The manager of the new nursing service I would like to join came to see me today and brought her PDL with her. Also a very likeable, interesting young guy. Somehow I thought the chemistry was right from the first moment. He also found my application so unusual and special that he had to get to know me and wants me as a patient. I think that's good.

Everything only with the mouth

I currently have verbal confirmation that they will take me on from 1.8. The contract will only be signed once the insurance company has approved the costs. And for that I need a prescription from my family doctor. He hasn't managed to send it to me by e-mail since last week. It's just the same copy & paste every quarter. But as the doctor said the other day at the ward round, it's difficult to find good staff and as soon as they've finished their training, they retire. What a circus I can tell you... Well, and I can't completely hide the words of the nursing staff. "August is going to suck. Bear with me. On September 1, we'll drink white wine together and from then on, it'll be good." Hey, I can live with that.

It's on. At least with me.

At the moment there are still twelve services not covered, but for tomorrow, once again actually today, I am expecting ten more commitments from carers who will register a mini-job with me at short notice, and for the remaining two vacant services I already have someone who is trying to swap services.


Which is more than I can say for Lufthansa's business operations. First they cancel my better half's original flight. Then they have an hour's delay for an inner-German flight, where I would have been faster on a free route with my S4 than this CO2-guzzling variant of plane. And then they're not allowed out for 1.5 hours because there's a bit of lightning at Munich airport. Welcome to 21st century Germany.

Cheers and a restful night.

Sarah... im Bett mit Paddy
Sarah... in bed with Paddy