Nothing but stress and trouble

And there it was, the PEG. Secretly, quietly and silently. Kaboom. To be honest, it was planned a little differently, my reporting. I didn't plan to wait over three months to do it. But it wasn't planned either, I didn't exactly have few problems with the PEG for the first eight weeks. At least, I can now finally get through the day without pain and without painkillers.

What happened? Well, I'll keep it short for now. The aftercare in hospital was limited to leaving me in hospital for six days without any further treatment or care, until I practically discharged myself on Saturday. Checking the scar, wound management, regular disinfection, mobilisation of the plate, oh I have no idea about such things. What else do I need to know to be able to judge whether work is being done correctly? What are there experts for? Of course, they charged me for the care I was supposed to have received, even though I had my own 24-hour care with me, as agreed. Because the first few minutes on the ward already show how much even a highly specialised institution like the Friedrich Bau Institute would have been overburdened with my care and support. While my nurse had to fight to be allowed to enter my room, because of course no one from the hospital knew about anything, the care was limited to putting the bell in my bed and leaving the room door open. If it wasn't so sad that I can't move anything from the jaw down, that would almost be funny. As is the question of whether I eat my food in bed or at the table. Granted, the roast didn't look that bad. But first of all, I live vegan and secondly, hello, what medical procedure am I there for again? That's exactly the question my nurse took the liberty of asking and promptly got the answer that I was getting a PEG. What was I supposed to do with the food on my lap? Then I wouldn't and she was gone.

However, the care provided by the FBI was still billed without deductions, as I recently found out. And my care service also wanted to bill, but the insurance company refused to pay. Reason? Well, as a non-specialist I can't say much about that, I don't know what a nursing service has to do in case of hospital care. I have prepared everything in advance as best as possible so that we have a bed and meals for my carers and they also take over the care. Everything I took care of in this matter worked out. However, my care service has to take care of the billing itself. That's how I see it. However, my care service has a different opinion.

You're a real asshole as a patient. What do you think my care service does when the insurance company doesn't pay? Because no one from the care service has ever spoken to the insurance company? Let alone applied for official reimbursement? Or I don't know what would have been necessary. Do I look like a nursing service? No, I pay my care service professionals to take care of it so that I don't have any stress because of the care service's billing issues with the AOK Bavaria. Do you notice the unintentional irony in that statement? But your thoughts were actually going in the right direction. Now, four months later, my nursing service is taking the view that I was responsible for it at the time. I didn't have a team leader for months, so I did indeed try as hard as I could to do many things that God knows were not the patient's responsibility. It would never have occurred to me that I should be responsible if there were problems with the health insurance company because of the billing. However, the management and owners of my nursing service see it exactly that way and underline this by sending me the following bill without any warning:

So after the shortest discussion ever - the irreconcilable difference of opinion is evident - I transferred almost € 7,000 to my care service yesterday. The money was actually planned for something else. A great, great pity.

For the sake of form, I apologise to those who feel addressed, but anyone who treats me like this will have to make friends with my reporting on personal stress management. Be that as it may. I will report in detail on what else went wrong in a moment. The reason for my lack of motivation to write in the last few weeks is the fact that I not only got a PEG from the clinic, but also a germ. It's not a multi-resistant one, but it doesn't change the fact that I had an open festering wound for eight weeks, which hurt like shit until recently. I don't really think I'm a sniveller when it comes to pain. I put up with a lumbar puncture, i.e. two thick needles stuck directly into the spinal cord, without painkillers, just as I do when a nurse pushes a 34 cm catheter into my mouth up to my lungs for suction. But the pain at the PEG, sick, from another planet.

Since my visit to the hospital, I could no longer sit because of the pain. No kidding, it's an indescribable feeling. It's as if there's a little goblin squatting in my stomach, just waiting for the chance to fire up the chainsaw and cut itself free from the inside out. So I haven't been able to eat any food orally since then either. There's nothing for me to drink either. So I have to take everything via the PEG. For me, that doesn't really have much to do with eating and drinking any more. Who knows if I can even drink on my own today with my swallowing problems.

Here the story continues...

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