It doesn't help. My eye control is more and more essential for survival. Again, I couldn't make myself heard this morning because the mask slipped and tightened during storage.
It's really seldom stupid. I'm lying there, listening to my carer in the kitchen, in the dining room watching the documentary, at the coffee machine. While I've been desperately trying to alert for 15 minutes. All night I have managed to swallow the secretion forming in my mouth and throat. Not once did we have to suction me. That's great, that's exactly how it should be. But at some point it just becomes too much. No matter how often I swallow, it comes right back. The only thing that helps is suction. If only I could somehow make myself noticed. But the nurse doesn't even look at me. I lie there with my eyes open and wonder. I couldn't do that, look at the files, before I had even glanced at my 1:1 cared for intensive care patient. But as is so often the case, that's another topic.
It was "only" a quarter of an hour that I lay there with my pulse rising steadily. Nevertheless, a quarter of an hour too much. What do I do in case of a real emergency?
I urgently need a second eye control for the left side of the bed. Without a doubt.
Then there is the matter of the constant complete failure of the camera and/or the software. What do you do about it?
I can only think of one thing. A second eye control system is needed, also for this reason. Unfortunately, my supplier has taken the Tobii products I use out of his range. So I click through the websites of the manufacturers and listed suppliers again. You have to do everything yourself, oh man/woman. Finally, I asked RehaMedia.
Hello dear RehaMedia team, Until now, I was supplied by your market companion Reha Vista. Unfortunately, they have taken Tobii out of their range. So I turn to you with hope. I currently use Tobii on my own Surface. Unfortunately, it happens practically every day that the software of the controller hangs up, the camera switches off, no longer allows clicking, ... there's always something. Being paralysed from the jaw down, I desperately need an emergency solution. Only this morning it took a good two hours of unplugging and replugging USB power and restarting Windows 6 times, until I was finally able to type again. I don't dare calibrate because the camera hangs reproducibly afterwards. Long story short, can I be supplied via you? Despite the known problems, I would like to have an identical set. Most of my carers still don't understand how to restart Windows. If I now come up with yet another software, I don't think anyone will understand what to do with it. The eye control should actually be covered by the health insurance (AOK). Like the first one, I will probably have to buy the Surface myself. I would like to have the following equipment equivalent to the existing device:I look forward to your feedback and suggestions. Kind regards Patrick Ruppelt
I'm curious to see what the insurance company will cover. It's going to be another completely overpriced venture. If they weren't medically approved products, in any other industry it would be called usury.
Roughly speaking, the following comes to me.
PCEye 5 The PCEye 5 from TobiiDynavox is the latest generation of lightweight, versatile eye trackers designed for use with a Windows laptop or computer. | 2.120,00 € |
TobiiDynavox Communicator 5 TobiiDynavox Communicator 5 is a comprehensive software package for augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). Communicator gives voice and independence to people who need alternative communication solutions. The software converts text or symbols into speech, enables environmental control, computer access and much more. | 1.197,81 € |
Microsoft Surface Pro 9 | 2.979,00 € |
Microsoft Warranty and Insurance | 299,00 € |
On-site set-up by RehaMedia | ? |
Equipment costs without set-up | 6.543,81 € |
Sporty. I'm curious and let myself be surprised. Can't change it anyway.
So now I do what I do so particularly well. Waiting for an answer.