Dear Diary,

I am not granted it. Somehow the universe seems to have something against the plagued ALS patient being able to sleep in.

The night was good. Well, let's say it was okay. Once again, I didn't get to bed until 2:30 am. Don't know why that happens to me so often. Runs in the family I guess. LOL. I woke up again at 3:34am. Just slept an hour, I wake up and could spit a fountain of mucus from another star. So I change the mask, suction, change the mask again and lie down. A 9-minute story - provided you stick to best practice. Tonight it all worked like a charm. Like every time with this one male nurse. Among the male colleagues, unfortunately, the only one I can say that about.

I was briefly awake a few more times, and suctioning was also on offer again. But all in all, it wasn't particularly stressful. So at least for me it was okay.

At just before 7 o'clock we were done with the last session for suction. The good plan until then was to lie down once more and spend a cosy 90 minutes in the land of dreams. But as has been the case all too often lately, it just wasn't meant to be. Today, for a change, the eye control is throwing a spanner in the works. It has yet another issue in the current version. Actually, everything works, only the triggering of the click no longer works.

In this case, not working does not mean that it no longer does anything. That would be too easy, everyone would know immediately what to do. But no, when you supposedly click, the stupid software starts reading out what you clicked on. Mind you, the click is not triggered. It only ever reads out what I look at. With one exception. Everything I write disappears immediately into nirvana. The best conditions, then, for communicating with your carer before your first coffee.

As it turned out, there were two problems at the same time:

  1. However I managed to do it, the thing with the reading aloud is not a bug, it's a feature. You can activate it in the submenu of the submenu. What is this function for? I have no idea. If you have an idea, feel free to write something in the comments.
  2. Clicking no longer works by eye control. Why? Because the software was developed in a shitty way. Remedy: Disconnect the USB cable from the iris camera, wait a moment and plug it back in. Back to the 90s, that's all I can say.

Have you tried turning it on and off again?

In any case, the night is over for us. After 35 minutes we are both wide awake. But hey, at least the crap is working again. AgainWhatLearned.

Note: As usual, the date and time of this post do not match the actual time in order to make it impossible to draw conclusions about the people involved.

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