No mistake. I know you were expecting the hit list that used to come out on Mondays. But you know what? The last few days and especially my nights have been really pretty good. Compared to the months before anyway. There's no point in writing a new hit list today. Too bad for you, great for me. And so it happens that today we are talking about another case of fancy aids. I only have one answer for why no one has yet come up with the idea of developing a chic but functional patient emergency call that is affordable. I can't even find a corresponding part if I delete the "fancy".
The question in the community was about what to do if the power is no longer sufficient to press the emergency button? This was a question I dealt with thoroughly at the time and looked at a whole range of products. I was more intensively involved with the following models.
[su_label type="default"]Paddy[/su_label]I bought an Apple Watch back then because everything else was too ugly for me. In addition to voice control, it also has fall detection.
It's not a medical device, but I've used it quite often to call my nursing service or friends when I've fallen off the active trolley again or simply couldn't get off the pot on my own. I had just bought a second one (newer model, but don't ask me which one). ) when I needed 24-hour care. It's been packed away in the cupboard for probably three years, how stupid of me.
If anyone is interested, I can look up the data.