Merry Christmas. 🎁🎄 Coming from me. Correction, voice computer. You wouldn't have expected that. Well, how can I resist when I'm being looked after by such attractive doctors? It gets even better, she's coming to see me again this afternoon. Admittedly, for medical reasons. A new ultrasound will be done to see how much the water retention under my lungs has receded. My subjective feeling is that there is little difference compared to the night before yesterday. Let's see what the objective measurement says later. On the basis of this, we may then decide when I can go home again. Not that I'm in a hurry. Unlike my environment. Well, the human environment, I mean. The man-made environment is no longer in a hurry. It has crossed the threshold of environmental catastrophe and there is no turning back. The hosts of the climate conference describe phasing out fossil fuels as a step backwards. They declare that they are not even thinking about it. We progressive "Westerners" unwaveringly believe that climate damage can be averted by paying money. Apart from the fact that we reached 1.5 degrees of global warming at the end of October and it is no longer a question of averting it. But they have probably forgotten to tell our experts that.

We have bright sunshine and 15 degrees. On the first day of Christmas. It's supposed to stay like this for the next few days, they said on the radio. I'm still in intensive care in Wolfratshausen, just outside Bad Tölz, with a direct view of the Alps. A white Christmas like in my childhood? Dream on. Grass drought is what I see. It's like milking mice. Although that would be more like cruelty to animals. Of which there is more than enough. Even, no, especially where you least expect it. I am addressing this problem with one of my T-shirts, which was finished last night after a long period of work. You can have a look in my shop. Most of the clothes are simply sustainable, chic and suitable for everyday wear. 100% of the proceeds go to nature and species conservation projects. Someone has to make a start. A new addition this week is Deutsche Umwelthilfe e. V., which has some really great projects. That's my Christmas present to us all, if you like. With this in mind, let's just continue to lie to ourselves and pretend that all is well with the world. And celebrate the biggest pseudo-religious commercialised festival of joy the world has ever seen. Merry Christmas.

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