My absolute favourite subject. I was told that you don't need to explain something like that. My experience is of a different opinion. Because in the past, carers have managed to do it - several times - even despite verbal explanation,

  • to cut my cock so badly during sex afterwards, even though I always explain to everyone that the electric shave down there is a shitty idea,
  • to cut into the sack (this must be how a goalkeeper who is not paying attention feels),
  • soaping myself from head to toe, which I can't stand,
  • I have to put body lotion all over myself, which I hate like the plague,
  • to cut my thumb because they didn't believe it was really meat and not dead skin tissue ("Where did all that blood come from?"),
  • completely ruining my gums ("You have periodontal disease." - uh no, I don't, but you scrub like you're polishing a grill grate...).
  • My previous caregivers practically all had to reinvent the wheel every time they cared for me, trying out how to put on and take off a T-shirt'(and regularly causing me pain in my wrists),
  • I never want to see a nurse take my shirt off over my legs and feet out of desperation again. No, I'm afraid I'm completely serious. That is exactly what happened.

And so I think yes, of course I have to explain to you what I value and what matters to me. How else would you know? There is no handover or induction in out-of-hospital care. On the contrary, you apply and are sent directly to the patient without any examination of your professional qualifications.

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