Because I tend to spend more time on my right ear than on my left, I quickly run the risk of it getting sore. There are certainly many "recognised" techniques and aids to prevent this, but for me the following totally simple and comfortable variant also works. All we need is a T-shirt made of very soft, flexible fabric.

Turn the T-shirt in on itself a little. Then shape it into a ring. The ring should be big enough so that my ear does not rest anywhere, but my head can rest comfortably.

Turn my head a little to the left or lift it slightly.

Loosen the lower right band of the mask even more than usual. Because the band is also stretched by the ring, it will tighten again all by itself.

Put the ring between your head and the pillow. When you put my head back, make sure the ear is exposed.

You can also first hold the ring to the side of my head and then place the head and ring together back on the pillow.

Turn my head far to the right again so that I am looking straight at the Surface despite the elevated position.

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