You don't start with "I". But technically I don't either, if I start with that I just don't start with that. Like this.

Once again, I'm not quite keeping up with the writing. The last few days I have managed a little more. But because I publish with a time delay, so as not to allow any reference to individual carers, my prepared reports are no longer sufficient. There are things that don't exist at all.


If you don't know where to start, talk about the weather. You can always do that. It's too cold, too warm, too wet, too dry, too uncomfortable. If it's not too cloudy and uncomfortable, it's too warm in the sun. But that you can't please anyone either. And so I realise: at the beginning of the week, the weather pretty much wore me out. So, whether it's really the case that the weather has such an influence on how I feel remains to be seen. I'm actually taking a closer look at that right now. For another series of posts I'm writing. As already mentioned elsewhere, I have a few things in the pipe.

The tattoo.

Let's see, what else exciting happened? One of my carers got a new tattoo while he was at home. It looks good. For me as a layman also very cleanly stung. When I was looking through the pictures on Instagram of the studio where he works, some of the work particularly caught my eye. These guys can - and do - do watercolour tattoos. I'll start saving then. I'm afraid I might have to buy some shares.

Okay, that was a bit of a jump. It would be a bit too much text for here, but not for here.

Continue reading: It gets under my skin.

To find the ground again, I'll just repeat the closing words of that article. And it goes like this:

Opinions have no place in scientific discussions, are superfluous and have zero significance. Even if it is mine.


That's why the answer I give when asked for my opinion on various investments is not very scientific. I'll tell you, you obviously don't earn as badly as is often claimed in care. And sure, I'm happy to give you my thoughts on that. But I must clearly point out that this is only my opinion. I will never give financial advice. I don't have the training for that and besides, it's far too boring for me. So, anything that slips out of my mouth in this respect, you may take as my own personal opinion. Without liability and completely made up out of thin air. And hung with Siemens air hooks.¨#Insider.

Like that. I would have got rid of that too. The legally required disclaimer is soon longer than what I'm writing about. Oh well. I should have guessed that I would come up with more details that I think are important while writing. And I don't want to bore you at all. So I'll also wrap up the detailed story in another article, which you'll find here:

Read more: No financial tip.


Fact, no news is good news. It is rare that I have permanent carers with me for five days in a row, but the difference is remarkable. There are always little upsets, sure. But that's probably also down to me. I just can't cope when people try to discuss the same hackneyed topics over and over again. I almost go up the wall when people don't come to me with trustworthy facts, but with an opinion. Because to think is not to know. Starting with the never-ending discussion about the origin of Corona, compulsory vaccination or the permanent questioning and ignoring of medical recommendations (which I am doing again right now while writing this article).

But apart from that, things are going quite well at the moment. He said, and 10 seconds later my nurse noticed that the wound on his toe was bleeding again. And has become infected again. I don't want to say that my doctor said to disinfect it only twice a day and to leave it alone, especially not to rub it and not to put ointment on it. But my doctor said only disinfect twice a day and leave it alone, especially don't pump it and don't put ointment on it.

Still, for now, it's good times. Bad times will come again soon enough, so let's leave it at that.

Foot and nail care

Talking about a broken toe. And according to the nurse, nail fungus that needs to be treated. I have been advised quite often to get professional foot care and also professional nail care. I have now done so. Thanks go out to my parents. When they were visiting for three days, they made contact and organised a meeting to get to know each other.

She was really friendly. She took a picture of my nails and immediately noted that my fingernails were cut quite short, whether that was my wish. No, of course not. Secretly I think I'm glad someone is doing it at all and not cutting my flesh in the process. Must be something attractive about not believing me. So much shit repeats itself, it must be me.

I'm already curious what my nursing service won't like about it again. Not because I seem spiteful. Which, by the way, is not intentional and often even happens unintentionally on my part. No, because the past says so.

Want an example? Coming right up.

For half a year, every time I failed to change the mask, I listened to a single male nurse saying that it was the fault of the hair being too long. With hair that long, it wouldn't be possible. Why I only have such long hair with him and not with his own colleagues, this question has not been answered to this day. And now that my hairdresser has been here recently... Right, the mask needs longer hair so that it doesn't slip. It doesn't work with such short hair.


The outlook.

especially as far as my care is concerned, I'm betting 100 euros that it will all go down the drain again in a fortnight at the latest. I'm not being pessimistic, it's just personal experience. Besides, that's what the pig cycle says. And from a stochastic point of view, stochastics almost certainly never lie. Wink smiley.

We will see.

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