I don't know, I can't help myself, I've never been able to make friends with e-cars. To this day, I haven't understood what reasons there could be to back e-mobility. So apart from pacifying lobbyism1https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/auto-lobbyist-zu-subventionen-fuer-e-autos-wir-sehen-hier-100.html and the consequences thereof2https://www.sueddeutsche.de/wirtschaft/lobbyismus-so-verflochten-sind-autoindustrie-und-politik-1.3611241of course. Electric vehicles and especially their production3https://www.sueddeutsche.de/wirtschaft/lobbyismus-so-verflochten-sind-autoindustrie-und-politik-1.3611241,Operation4htttps://www.adac.de/rund-ums-fahrzeug/elektromobilitaet/info/elektroauto-pro-und-contra/, maintenance and last but not least their disposal 5https://www.greenpeace.de/klimaschutz/mobilitaet/stehts-e-auto seem overly complicated, resource-intensive, and 6https://www.transportenvironment.org/discover/how-clean-are-electric-cars/- and transport-intensive. Please correct me if I am wrong. Or if I see things in exaggeratedly black and white terms, as is my well-known way. But either I have a tonne of hazardous waste at the end of life7https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/technologie/batterien-elektroautos-recycling-101.html which we still don't really know what to do with it.8https://www.sueddeutsche.de/auto/elektroautos-batterien-recycling-1.4218519 - The next generation will somehow solve the problem - or not.9https://www.automobil-industrie.vogel.de/recycling-von-brennstoffzellen-fraunhofer-startet-projekt-brecycle-a-924316/.
E-mobility is dead
I have been saying for years
Which brings us to technologies that have almost been forgotten.10https://www.now-gmbh.de/foerderung/foerderprogramme/wasserstoff-und-brennstoffzelle/ such as hydrogen propulsion, for example.11https://bmdv.bund.de/SharedDocs/DE/Artikel/G/elektromobilitaet-mit-wasserstoff.html. Simplified - my chemistry examiner would beat me - I imagine the product life cycle of ideal green hydrogen.12https://www.siemensgamesa.com/products-and-services/hybrid-and-storage/green-hydrogen like this:
- We use wind power on the open sea, far out, where we have as little impact as possible on the environment (and wildlife).13https://www.nabu.de/natur-und-landschaft/meere/offshore-windparks/index.html, especially birds14https://bergenhusen.nabu.de/forschung/windenergie-und-voegel/index.html) interact.
- For technical reasons, it is not possible to produce electricity in line with demand as before.15https://www.windenergie-freigericht.de/faktencheck/strom-aus-wind-und-solar-ist-nicht-grundlastfaehig/. When wind blows, a corresponding amount of electricity is produced16https://home.uni-leipzig.de/energy/energie-grundlagen/15.html. If you need more electricity, you're out of luck, because you can't just add fuel rods. If you need less electricity, you're also out of luck. The electricity has to go somewhere. Ergo, you put huge accumulators right next to the wind turbine, which wouldn't do us any good. Or the electricity is transported with enormous power loss to the mainland grid and, in case of doubt, sold abroad at waste prices.17https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/energiewende-deutschland-gibt-strom-ans-ausland-ab-und-zahlt-auch-noch-drauf-a-1186004.html. Or our beautiful game park flies into the air18https://www.wemag.com/oekostrom-direkt/ueberproduktion-von-strom. Third, although of course only stupid, hypothetical option.
- It would be much cooler to use practically 99.9 % of the generated electricity where it is available - i.e. at sea - directly for the environmentally friendly and also super cheap production of hydrogen.19https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/info/Die-Zukunft-der-Winenergie-Offshore-Wasserstoff-Produktion,ndrinfo36664.html. After all, everything is available in abundance20Really? You expect literature proof for my daring thesis that there is enough water on the high seas?. We use electricity to split water into its components hydrogen and oxygen.21https://energiewinde.orsted.de/trends-technik/wasserstoff-produktion-in-offshore-windparks-aqua-ventus. With the latter, we improve our atmosphere (or also use it in industry, technology or medicine). And apart from that, that's all that's going on chemically.
In my view, hydrogen has two unbeatable advantages over any other form of propulsion that I know of. Hydrogen can be burnt without loss22https://www.umsicht.fraunhofer.de/de/presse-medien/interviews/transport-von-wasserstoff.html and inexpensive23https://www.uni-augsburg.de/de/forschung/einrichtungen/institute/amu/wasserstoff-forschung-h2-unia/h2lab/h2-sp/transport/ get from A to B24https://www.tuvsud.com/de-de/indust-re/wasserstoff-brennstoffzellen-info/wasserstoff/transport-von-wasserstoff. And during (correctly: cold) combustion, practically nothing else is produced except energy that can be used to power the car, for example. Apart from that, well, water is produced.25https://www.enbw.com/blog/elektromobilitaet/fahren/wasserstoffautos-mit-brennstoffzellenantrieb/. Molecularly speaking, this corresponds to a classic oxyhydrogen reaction26https://www.chemie.de/lexikon/Knallgas.htmlwho still remembers the first lesson in chemistry. That's how primitive it all is. That's why I'm so upset that our government doesn't want to know about it, not even when it's presented to them as a gift.27https://www.merkur.de/wirtschaft/fazit-iaa-autobranche-verbraucher-wasserstoff-brennstoffzelle-methanol-90998336.html.
Fortunately, not everyone is as stubborn as our politicians. And so there are companies that obviously think like me and invest in hydrogen-powered mobility. 28https://hexagonpurus.com/about. And not just any small businesses run by idealists. I am talking about well-known suppliers such as Deutsche Bahn (DB), Solaris (the company that runs the hydrogen buses here in Munich), Alstom or the industrial gas giant Air Liquid.29Der Aktionär, issue 09/2023 of 24 February 2023. What they all have in common is the need for mobile and/or stationary hydrogen tank or storage systems. And this is exactly where the Swedish manufacturer Hexagon Purus comes in.30https://hexagonpurus.com/about/our-vision-values. The companies just mentioned are already Hexagon customers today. DB, for example, has ordered hydrogen filling stations from Hexagon's Purus subsidiary Wystrach mobile.31Der Aktionär, issue 09/2023 of 24 February 2023. Thus, the mother should indirectly profit twice because of the high market penetration.
Of course, this is all conjecture on my part. Idealism can't buy you anything. Guaranteeing that these products and projects will not be implemented due to, well, let's call it different political-economic interests, is not a good idea.32https://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/deutschlands-autoindustrie-rechnet-langst-mit-dem-verbrenner-ende-4718704.htmlThe situation is not going to disappear again overnight. But in fact, from a very sober point of view, it looks quite good on the chart, in my opinion.

At the beginning of this month, the 200-day line crossed the price trend. Since then, the price has moved solidly above it. I interpret this to mean that no exorbitant breakouts to the upside are to be expected - but equally little to the downside.33https://www.boerse-stuttgart.de/de-de/handel/wissen-fuer-fortgeschrittene/200tagelinie/.
In the last quarter of the year, the stock market went downhill for Hexagon.34https://www.finanzen.net/aktien/hexagon_purus_as_registered-aktie. But the turnover does not look that bad (bottom of the chart, the dark blue graph.
And finally, for me it's so much a question of conviction. Yes, I am also invested in VW, Mercedes and Daimler Truck. I can't afford to trade exclusively "emotionally" on the stock market. Even my Tesla position would be even closer to my personal conviction, and in the past two years I've been able to make some hefty profits through several partial sales.

2021 was a fat year for me in that respect. Barely, then Covid, the energy crisis, the Ukraine war (which coincidentally marks its first anniversary exactly today) and the environmental crisis took over the headlines. All was well with the world then, I guess many would say.
Such rates of increase are not to be expected for Hexagon Purus. I am pursuing other goals with the Swedish paper. A long-term, reasonably stable value investment that can withstand times of crisis with confidence and creates sustainable value on a large scale, not just on paper.
So much for that. My view of things. Which inevitably brings me to the issue of conflicts of interest. I set up so-called wikifolios via wikifolio Financial Technologies AG. Depending on the amounts invested in the wikifolio and the price successes, I receive corresponding remuneration. In addition, I have a direct shareholding in the company. I am also neither a financial advisor nor do I give financial advice. If you are looking for something like that, you are in the wrong place. If you thought this was financial advice, you obviously know so little about finance that shares are not a good investment for you. So my reporting may not be neutral. All lawyers happy? Hopefully my readers are too. I am looking forward to the reactions to my stock check of a different kind.
Picture credits
- Mobile Refueling - WyCarrier 30fth35ttps://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/hexagonpurus-website/HPU_0222_02_Wy_Carrier_30ft_Fotomontage.jpg