Nestlé is the world's most sustainable food company according to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index1 Holy shit! Who would have thought that?

Although I'm quite familiar with the subject... and although I like to trade 20 to 30,000 euros a month on the stock market... What is the Dow Jones Sustainability Index? Never heard of it. Well, except for Nestlé.

In the area of the environment, the index rewards the company's commitment to making products and processes as environmentally and socially compatible as possible.2 Self-commitment, right. That means that a company that is really bad everywhere has to claim that it will do everything better in the future. And you end up high up in the rankings. This is as pointless as the U.S. Privacy Shield, where you say my IT is secure and you're allowed to collect personal data, even though you're located in an "insecure third country" according to the EU.3 and well, actually nothing at all mayfest4 In both cases, nothing is checked because there is a lack of control bodies and legal regulations. Such nonsense has consequences, there are reasons why the latter was overturned. 5 In terms of environmental protection, unfortunately, things look bleak. At Nestlé anyway.

Thomas Day of the NewClimate Institute says Nestlé's ambitious-sounding promises have very little integrity. This could "mislead both consumers and regulators".6–nestle–unilever–studie-kritisiert-klimaversprechen-von-konzernen-31610578.html. By the way, BMW is also mentioned in the same breath as Deutsche Post DHL. I'll have to take a closer look at the underlying study in detail, also with regard to BMW. Should the BMW Group, which is interesting because of its enormously high dividends and the technological shift towards electric mobility, be the next company to be excluded from my list for reasons of nature conservation? Share deposit flies?

Nestlé knows that its image is ruined and is deliberately buying up the few well-known competitors that stood for sustainability. Best example: Ankerkraut7 Lion's den was that, wasn't it?

Apart from distorted competition, this unfortunately does not change the real problem. Anyone who buys Nestlé products like KitKat accepts the practices of the company. And I am not just referring to the palm oil problem, which everyone has heard about by now. Once again, I have a sad story up my sleeve for which we don't even have to travel halfway around the globe. I'd almost bet you didn't know that Nestlé was testing on animals to market its Botox products.8 The way they test is totally insane. Never before have I read about such an unscientific test set-up. The test set-up, which Nestlé does not dispute, to test the tolerability of the Nestlé Botox product looks - and I kid you not - like this:

  1. Inject Botox into the abdominal wall of mice.
  2. If more than 50% of the animals die, the dose was too high.

That's not how science works. We no longer live in the Middle Ages. Quite apart from the fact that one can and does test with human cells in the laboratory instead of with mammals in the torture chamber.9

That's not all. I bet my ass you've never heard that even Nestea has been tested on animals.15 and Nestlé justifies the necessity with legal requirements. Seriously. How much chemical do you have to put in chilled tea for the legislator to force you to test it on animals? Holy shit!

By the way, animal experiments are no longer carried out today. Well, not in Germany. It's all on Nestle's official website17

That's so absurd, I can hardly believe it myself. I'm sorry, but sometimes you need pictures to get your imagination going.


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Nestlé might as well shake hands with those assholes who inject dromedaries, camels, alpacas and the like with Botox. inject Botox so that they can achieve higher profits in Saudi Arabian "beauty contests" for quadrupeds18 You can see for yourself with a simple Google search how horrible it looks when a camel can no longer breathe, drink and eat properly because its mouth has been sprayed dead. Spoiler: I actually had tears in my eyes once again when I first saw it. The only thing that made me sadder was my keeper at the time, who laughed and when I answered in the affirmative to his question about whether it was real, added with a broad grin - and I quote - "That's funny." he added. It's just too much for me sometimes. I can't understand what makes some people who are actually so good-hearted tick.

I won't live to see if we turn the tide. As I've said many times before, it's definitely going to suck. The only question is how much it will suck.

If you really want to please me, read the fourth and last part tomorrow and make up your own mind.

Read more (available tomorrow morning)

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List of sources

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  • 6–nestle–unilever–studie-kritisiert-klimaversprechen-von-konzernen-31610578.html
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