True story. After the incidents at the beginning of the year, my shopping behaviour has changed drastically. I used to buy drinks and snacks every month for a good €120, sometimes more than double depending on the season, but now I've cut out everything except coffee. Now there's nothing left.

In case you didn't catch what absurd stuff happened here, here's a little recommendation of actually quite funny reading for a cosy afternoon in retrospect. In any case, it's entertaining and hard to believe that such things happen at all.

Old administrator. I had no idea beforehand that the list would be so long. But you can't just stop somewhere in the middle. It doesn't make sense either. Besides, afterwards I was smarter. I have a team that is still far too small, but nevertheless more reliable. The management and nursing staff avoid me like the plague, which I'm not at all sad about. Sometimes it's just not meant to be, and as long as my care is secure, that's fine with me.

If we can still somehow manage that not everything is carried out on the backs of the carers, then, and only then, I see light at the end of the tunnel. Whether I will live long enough to see it, we will see what time brings.

Actually, I wanted to write about something completely different. About the fact that I won't buy cow's milk, no matter how often I'm asked. But I'd rather write about that separately. Because that brings me to another topic that is far too important for me to spoil it here. In the truest sense of the word.

By the way, for once it has nothing to do with the fact that it has become so quiet around me. I'm writing on too many sites at the moment and some of them are quite powerful. So, stay tuned, more to come.

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