Until now, my foot care has been done by a nursing service, friends and family. After the most recent "incident" after the Removing supposedly dead skin the question came up again whether professional foot care would be more suitable for me. In and of itself, I would immediately say sure, that makes sense. But who is going to pay for it in the long run? The same goes for the care of my fingernails. And anyway, you first have to find someone who offers home visits.

Now I have not dealt with this in detail. Maybe I was too naive in my approach. I thought I would look for a few providers and ask bluntly what they can offer. Of course, I would prefer someone who comes to my home regularly every week and does both foot care and nail care. If as much of it as possible can be paid for by my health insurance (AOK), all the better.

Unfortunately, I have asked the wrong people so far, it seems to me. Some websites look promising, but when it comes to billing, even I seem to know more. And at the latest when the word "home visit" comes up, I unfortunately only know exactly two possible answers so far:

  • Very friendly reply within a few minutes, in all cases always on the same calendar day, but nevertheless unfortunately with a cancellation.
  • Even after days and weeks, they don't even dignify my request with a response. I've actually been experiencing this more and more often for a few years now. It would be worth a separate investigation, as is so often the case with me, a topic of its own.

And so I am still searching. Can you maybe help me? Or do you know someone who can? I am open-minded and ready for any shameful act.

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