For legal reasons, the device instruction must be carried out by my supplier (Vivisol, for contact details see chapter "Important contacts"). I limit myself here to the concrete application only for my specific case.

As always with work that requires the mask to be removed or opened, good preparation is the key.
Prepare the hose and mask from the cough assistant on the bed. The mask should be clean, after all, it is about to blow all the snot that is still in the mask from the last time directly into my lungs.
Because I now also manage to let my nose "shoot through" purposefully, some kitchen roll to wipe it off is also not wrong. It's pretty disgusting when you feel like you've just been freed from plague and cholera and the nurse's first reaction is not to wipe the 100 ml of mucus off your face... but to press an overpressure breathing mask into your face and try to straighten it out. Unfortunately, the only thing that can be achieved in such a situation is that all the snot is massaged into the skin. And the mask becomes really disgusting. We could have saved ourselves the foundation, no kidding.

Turn my head sideways very slightly upwards in a half-right position. It should not be overstretched, but the chin should not fall into the chest when coughing.

Switch on the cough assistant at the round "Power" button.

Start my preset programme with the long "Therapy" button at the bottom right of the screen.

Check that everything is prepared.
If you want to mute the alarm from the ventilation, do it now (not when I'm lying there without a mask).

Open the first lower band of the mask while holding the mask airtight to my nose.

Keep holding the mask to my nose and open the strap on the other side.

You still hold the mask to my nose, the straps are open. Now you wait for my unmistakable eye signal that I am ready.
Now pull the tube off the mask.

Next, just fold the mask upwards, but keep it on.

Then you press the cough assistant mask relatively firmly over my mouth and nose.
Relatively firm means:
1. so tight that absolutely no leakage occurs. As soon as even the slightest bit of air escapes, I can no longer trigger the cough assistant (i.e. I cannot start it),
2. but still loose enough that I can open my lower jaw, because that way I have to trigger the cough assistant to start the preset programme.

I usually release around 5-6 breaths. If I have a lot of mucus, it can be more. Or, if a lot of secretion comes up with the first breath, then it's sometimes over after the first breath.
Therefore, as long as I want to cough, I keep my eyes closed as a sign for you.

When I'm done, I open my eyes.
You remove the mask from the cough machine and fold the nasal mask back down onto my nose.

You press the nasal mask onto the nose and reconnect the tube from the ventilation.

Then reattach the straps to the mask and check the correct fit of the nose mask. At the risk of repeating myself, the lips and mouth remain free.

You'll turn my head right side up again, as usual.

Now you can switch off the cough assistant again.

Note: The regulation is out of date. However, the values for the cough machine are unchanged.