The most important thing: head and neck must be completely supported with my three pillows. My neck muscles are too weak to support the neck alone.
If my neck is not properly supported, I wake up after a short time with a sore ear. Then my thick head rests with its entire weight on this one ear. It's obvious that this can't go on for long.
As is always the case when I sleep, my head must never be stretched straight or backwards. I can hardly breathe, I have to breathe through my mouth, my mucous membranes dry out, my saliva gets sticky and moves unchecked into the bronchial tubes, ... it really sucks. Apart from that, you probably don't let your head hang out of bed and stretch backwards when you sleep because it's uncomfortable.
My head is on the side, facing down. I cannot emphasise this often enough. To the side. Like my whole body, it too lies sideways. Head bent down over the chin, not back. The easiest to remember: I lookdirectly onto the oven. No kidding, I have to explain this at least three times every week. Why? What am I doing wrong? Please help me before I completely despair. Because I've been lying on my back all day, it's even more important that I don't sleep on my back, but on my side.
As a rule, we start on the left side. During the day because my head is on the right side for too long anyway. And when I sleep, for the same reason and in addition, because then the nightly positioning opens up every 100 minutes in such a way that I am turned onto my right side from around 6 a.m., I can work on the Surface (eye control) without getting on your nerves... while you can comfortably lie down again for half an hour. ?
In the following description, I therefore also start with the bearing on the left.

The bed is placed flat.

The legs are bent, exactly as described in detail for micropositioning with two blankets.
My body is turned on its side. Yes, on its side. You notice the emphasis? Side. Please, please, watch the hose and mask. First turn my head to the side and then the body.

Behind the back you put the thick 40x80 pillow. Above all, the coccyx and sacrum should not rest on the mattress (risk of decubitus) and the lungs should lie at an angle (so that secretions remain in motion).
As I said, the head is also tilted sideways and forwards/downwards so that I am looking directly at the oven.
Please do not push my head to get me into position (otherwise the mask will slip), but lift my head, get it into position and then put it back down. Make sure that my ear does not bend.

Between the legs comes the thin 40x80 pillow, which usually lies under the feet, and additionally one of the three 50x50 fluffy pillows (of which there is 1 white and 2 black).

Next, you pull the left shoulder, on which I lie, out properly. Unfortunately, this is often forgotten and then the body weight presses on the shoulder. Painful, I can tell you.
Place the left arm relaxed and stretched out towards the knee. Not bent. Don't fucking lie on your stomach, please. I just want to sleep relaxed and wake up rested. Pull out my T-shirt at the side, chest and shoulder until it no longer stretches.
Stretch out my fingers.

Now you may cover me with the big, thick blanket. The left hand remains at the ceiling, the right hand comes outstretched at the blanket on the leg (please not on the belly). Stretch out the fingers. Ask me if I want to cover my right arm. If so, fold the corner of the blanket over so that you can loosely fold one corner over my right arm.
Almost done, ? please check my head. Am I looking at the oven? In case I unexpectedly slurp a lot, does the slime run out of my mouth (or into my lungs)? Is the head well supported?
Ask me two yes/no questions please:
- Are you lying well? If not, feel your way with yes/no questions.
- Can you set off the alarm? If not, the lower straps of the mask are too tight and need to be loosened.