Health update 10/2023
Handover protocol to look up the most important changes, for doctors, therapists, carers. And of course for Family & Friends.
Handover protocol to look up the most important changes, for doctors, therapists, carers. And of course for Family & Friends.
Page views: 737 A lot has happened. But really a lot. I often have a lot to tell, but...
They are so close together, praise and blame. It's all back to square one. What an irony that PDL and GF...
My first post at two to, not two past twelve. I went among the poets. My carers have my...
Pageviews: 431 (aka "His 1st words") As is all too often the case, the weekend has already arrived and I have again...
Page views: 638 Yay! The next excitement. Dear diary, it would be boring if nothing absurd happened. I keep...
Seitenaufrufe: 705 So. Jetzt wirds kurzweilig. Wie immer nenne ich keine Namen. Aber ich erlaube mir, ganze Textpassagen zu...
Page views: 546 Have I ever mentioned that nobody likes know-it-alls? Was a rhetorical question. Of course I have...
Pageviews: 1,148 To quote Sheldon, under normal circumstances I'd say I told you so. But, as I have...