It was on the tip of my tongue so many times, but I never took the time to research and substantiate all the statements with reliable sources. that's a lot of work and you won't win a pot of gold with it. On the contrary, at best you'll get an indifferent "We know, but I can't do anything about it as an individual". And if things go badly, you will even receive blank contempt from your own carers. In my case, this went so far that they held meat dishes under my nose against my will and tried to "convert" me. Even when I affirmed in the presence of my parents that I hated it, they claimed that I was just basting, that we were always teasing each other like that (read more here). How pathetic.

The latter kind of person is hopeless. I'm done with that, I can't take care of everything and I'm not a psychiatrist either. Besides, I've experienced enough shit in my life. Hopefully they'll die out one day when they forget to breathe. Or something. But if you belong to the other one, maybe I can open your eyes a little bit. Because I think you haven't heard one or two things yet. There's some really heavy stuff in there. And they are the reason why I called Nestlé a trash company (read more here). I don't do that without a solid reason.

It is well known that Nestlé has a hand in many food products. But did you know that the company also owns fashion labels like Ralph Lauren, Diesel and Armani?1–nestle–unilever–studie-kritisiert-klimaversprechen-von-konzernen-31610578.html? Me neither. What am I going to do with all my polo shirts, shoes, jumpers and who knows what else? Hand on heart, I've been trying to avoid this group of companies for years. But I was not aware of this scale of disaster. Not until today. Luckily, I ceremoniously sank my Armani sunglasses in the Isar river on the last trip with the rubber dinghy. We had underestimated the power of the water and were washed under a tree - which had fallen due to the admittedly unrideable weather. What can you do, the tree was suddenly there and blocked the entire width. Half an hour later there were two rescue operations with helicopters and the Isar was closed by the police.

Nestlé is also about a lot of water. Let's stay with that for a moment. What do you think? Which of the following brands are really Nestlé? San Pellegrino, Vittel, Acqua Panna, Aqua Dolce, Perrier. Well? Almost right. Aqua Dolce I made up. All the others belong to the multi-billion corporation2

And so it goes through more than 2,000 brands that Nestlé calls its own. It is hardly surprising that there is enough money in the budget for superlative online greenwashing. It is not easy to find information that is not in some way directly or indirectly influenced by Nestlé.

And back to water again. How can it be that Nestlé pumps groundwater in countries such as Ethiopia, Pakistan or in southern Africa in order to sell it profitably?3 Along with over 30 other countries, of course. Well, I think that's a bit harsh. It's not as if the habitats there don't suffer enough from water scarcity anyway.4 Or what. Global warming sends its regards. Is a measurement5 opinion.

You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. That is also clear to me. But at Nestlé, there are an extraordinary number of chips. With nasty pieces of metal in them that are not good for humans or animals. Would you like a few samples?

Read more... (available from tomorrow morning)

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List of sources

  • 1–nestle–unilever–studie-kritisiert-klimaversprechen-von-konzernen-31610578.html
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5