As well prepared as we may be, no matter how much time we spend together, there will always be situations where you don't have a clue what I need. When I sleep, for example, I wear the nose-to-mouth mask. Under this, it is physically impossible to create an overpressure of exhalation without my own muscle power. I therefore cannot speak with this mask. The question "What doesn't fit?" is therefore rather nonsensical. But there are three proven methods that are guaranteed to always work. You just have to remember to use them. ?

  1. If you have basic questions about how something is done in my house and there is no acute need for time, please be so kind as to take another look at this manual. Or ask me where you can find the manual. I'm sure the answer to your question is here somewhere. If not, it will be in at the end of the week so that your colleagues are also informed.

  2. In a more urgent situation, ask me directly. There is only one rule for this. I can only answer yes/no questions. I'm going to print out and laminate a whole bunch of examples for this soon, so that we always have these cards handy for emergencies. It's not actually complicated, though. Example: I call you at night. You don't know what the problem is. So you simply work your way from the critical things to the trifles. It could look like this:

    - Can you breathe? Yes? Good!
    - Are you in pain? No? Very good.
    - Are you lying well?
    - Something wrong with the ventilation?
    - Something wrong with the humidification? Yes? Okay.
    - Should I fill up with water? No? Hm.
    - Is something leaking? No?
    - Have you got water in the hose again? Yes?
    - Was that the problem? Yes? Great! Problem recognised, danger averted.

  3. Personally, I find the third option to be the simplest, most reliable, fastest, even the most trivial. But somehow, especially at night, I always seem to forget that I have a Surface tablet computer with eye control. It also works in the dark. Just put it in front of me and I can have the voice computer read out what I need right away. Problem solved.
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