The first act of helping the forest
What fascinates me so much about it is that it shows just how much you can fix in a very short space of time with...
as amyotrophelateralsklerose amyotrophiclateralsclerosis Exploiting a position of power Out-of-hospital intensive care Out-of-hospital intensive care TheIstALS ExplicitContent FreePremium fullfacemask Statutory health insurance HomeCare home respiration Hyperbole Intensive care IPReG IToldYouSo KeinerMagKlugscheißer KnowDuALS Climate crisis Smartass lifelessons Mask ventilation Nature conservation NIV niv mask Care assessment maintenance errors Care insurance Nursing emergency PflegeZuHause Premium contribution QueerVeganEcoterrorist Rainforest RISG Sarcasm rare diseases Animal welfare tobii vegan VeganIstGeil vegetarian Veggie Encroachment Exaggeration
What fascinates me so much about it is that it shows just how much you can fix in a very short space of time with...
It's not easy on my blog. I'm constantly being asked to think about something. But tomorrow's...
Assuming it took you 1:30 minutes to read the previous 388 words like the average person, the species...
The entire seabed is destroyed over a width of 200 metres and everything that is caught up in the 120,000 square metre net is...
The legal situation is shit. The AOK employees I deal with show zero integrity. A quality that...
I am against the breeding of animals, so I also think any kind of pedigree dog sucks, but it...
Because what somehow still ended well with a mask, more or less, is now a game with a cannula...
A drop in the ocean? No, I see it differently. It means EVERYTHING to the rescued animals. 
That's right. Since 2018, no more tests have allegedly been carried out on dogs. The past dog experiments were highly stressful for...
Pretending that all is right with the world. And celebrate the biggest pseudo-religious, commercialised festival of joy the world has ever...