A trilogy in four parts
Now the whole discussion is starting all over again. Only this time it's not about the PEG, but...
as amyotrophelateralsklerose amyotrophiclateralsclerosis Species protection Exploiting a position of power Out-of-hospital intensive care Out-of-hospital intensive care TheIstALS ExplicitContent FreePremium fullfacemask Statutory health insurance home respiration Hyperbole Intensive care IPReG IToldYouSo KeinerMagKlugscheißer KnowDuALS Climate crisis Climate change lifelessons Mask ventilation Nature conservation NIV niv mask Care assessment maintenance errors Care insurance Nursing emergency PflegeZuHause Premium contribution QueerVeganEcoterrorist Rainforest RainforestInCanada RISG Sarcasm rare diseases Animal welfare tobii vegan VeganIstGeil vegetarian Veggie Exaggeration
Now the whole discussion is starting all over again. Only this time it's not about the PEG, but...
Page views: 709 Day three. It's finally starting. First later than expected, then suddenly earlier than expected. So ventilation...
Seitenaufrufe: 710 Ein Trauerspiel in sechs Akten So mehr oder weniger Im Motzen bin ich gut, wenn ich will...
Page views: 792 Nothing but stress and anger And there it was, the PEG. Secretly, quietly and silently. Kaboom....
Page views: 795 Attention! Unpaid advertising ? Oh how I loved this sweet temptation. I am not that...
Page views: 1,226 What a weekend. It took me a few days to get back among the living again.
Page views: 902 Well, that's an idea. Before anyone asks me what I can get as a present... And...
Page views: 1,249 This question is very popular. Can I visit you or is that uncomfortable for you? To...
Pageviews: 1,146 To quote Sheldon, under normal circumstances I'd say I told you so. But, as I have...
Page views: 1,143 Prepared article, deliberately not up to date. I could have published this article a few days or weeks ago...