Malicious tongues claim that I take pleasure in holding others' faults against them. I have no counterargument. Especially not when I feel unfairly treated. That's when things start to clash. My insinuations are admittedly a bit "wild". We remember...

And then it's time for a scathing slap. A tirade of criticisms follows. Every single point of criticism is justified and corrected. In order not to let it get out of hand, I work with indents. In case of doubt, a judge has to decide whether I am in the right. And due to the system, they don't have the time to inform themselves sufficiently about my case. So it has to be short and crisp.

On the other hand, nothing relevant must be missing, that is my demand. And that is quite a lot.

As always, my demand of what I expect must not be missing.

Aren't I nice? I don't want an upgrade. I don't want more money. I just want the lies in the report to disappear. The MDK came up with all the rest themselves after correcting their mistakes and producing a completely different, new report. This time by an examiner who had already had to deal with ALS. But that's for another time.

And so we tire our counterpart bit by bit with every further error in the text. The procedure for a powerful statement is always the same: What is it about? What is wrong? Why is it not true?

And because it's so wonderful, here's another one. What is it about? What is wrong? Why is it not true?

That's not all. She's got tomatoes in her eyes. Slowly, even the most collegial editor has to accept that the predecessor screwed up.

Here I have also added the proof in the form of medical advice. Because I can. And the MDK can't.

From time to time, at the appropriate time, I repeat my demand. Otherwise, in the end, they'll say I should have said something. Wink smiley.

Just because I couldn't resist spoiling a little in the introduction to my opposition doesn't make it any less relevant.

After the correction of just nine issues that were misrepresented in the report, we "already" come to the climax of the event. You'll find out what that looks like, well, I'm pretty behind at the moment. But when the time comes, it will be here in any case.

This post will be revised soon. I just need to sleep because the MDK is coming in eight hours and my face hurts from the mask.

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