A big little update late at night. It's 1:40 in the morning. Or in the evening. It's all a question of point of view. We don't know anything for sure. Tonight (pretty much when I started writing) the doctors are meeting. Tomorrow, aka today, we'll find out the result, because it probably won't go home tomorrow either. We are currently looking at 27 December.

Another ultrasound was performed this evening. They work around the clock here. The doctor took a lot of time and checked me through completely. The cannula is fine. The wound still needs time to heal, but no further intervention. She also looked at the PEG, everything was fine. The pufi is only slightly reddened and this is completely fine. The toe looks very good. It will just - quote - take a few more weeks. This comes as no surprise, as it was known beforehand. In the long term, however, she recommends reducing Ibu from 3x a day to 2x, as my kidneys are currently under a lot of strain. Whereas the targeted use of Dipi is safe if necessary. Which, after a lot of blah blah blah, finally brings me to the crucial issue. Sore throat due to lateral positioning, lateral positioning due to mobilisation of secretions, mobilisation of secretions due to aspiration, aspiration due to rattling.

The previous frequent inhalation, coughing, suctioning and, more recently, lying on my side are having an effect. Today we were given greenish mucus when we suctioned. Even the rattling was almost gone at times. Almost, that's the point. Whichever way you look at it, there is still a tremor in my lungs that drives me crazy, as I explained to the doctor. Whereupon she explained to us why we wouldn't be able to solve it by suctioning. Neither lateral positioning nor further medication nor patience and time would help. Today's ultrasound confirms what I can feel and what we can see on the monitoring. There is still water under the lungs. Not as much as five days ago, but not much less than the day before yesterday. Initially, we drained me brutally quickly. High doses of pee pills injected directly into the bloodstream and off we go. What could possibly happen? I have an indwelling bladder catheter that allows me to pee in my sleep. I'm on monitoring 24/7 and have access for fluids both into the bloodstream and into the stomach. What could possibly happen were the doctor's words, I didn't come up with them. You can't do that at home. That's why we switched to tablets, which I can take at home in future. They are milder and, unlike injections, pills can be administered by the carer. We'll have to see how my body reacts to them.

Which finally brings us to the second big issue, which I can get over all the quicker. My discharge date in my file is 27 December. The consensus was, and the doctor agreed after the examinations today, that they didn't want to send me home for the second time with the words "I'll be fine". home for the second time. Today was the first day that I was stable and we changed a significant meditation. If they sent me home tomorrow, they didn't know if it would "work out". For my part, I like honest statements.

We'll find out tomorrow whether it'll stay the 27th or whether I might get to spend a day of this hypocritical shit called Christmas at home. I don't really care (vegan). I'd just like to not be lying in an ambulance with Tavor and Dipi three days later after my next discharge. That would be an approach, don't you think?

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