Supposedly a boring topic. But, as so often in life, it depends on the perspective.

Is manicure different from pedicure in terms of billing? Apparently yes. I have not yet found anything about the reasons for this.

Is a manicure for a Tetra (patient with four paralysed limbs) any different from a pedicure in terms of handling? No, I can do one just as little as the other. Without functioning arms and hands, it's just not that easy.

Is a manicure a nursing service? I think so. For what reason should it not be part of care?

Is manicure then a health insurance benefit? No, as I understand it, it is not. How, why, why? I haven't found out. Probably looking in the wrong places. Maybe I should have had a professional nail treatment two years ago. Enlighten me, write it in the comments.

To be honest, I have treated the topic somewhat stepmotherly. It almost begs the question of what would annoy me more. That the health insurance would have paid for the manicure long ago and I didn't know anything about it because no one tells you about it. I can't help but think of how many years I paid for my Fresubin drink myself. Because no one told me that the health insurance would pay for it without any problems. And because it didn't occur to me to research it until I read on the manufacturer's website, while searching for other flavours, that the products are all eligible for prescription. Again, another topic, just as exciting, make a note of it for later.

Or would I find it worse to be right and manicure is indeed not prescribable or prescribable because... yes, good question, because stop. I have no idea why that might be. But I can well imagine that it is.

So if you know anything about this, I'd love to hear your tips in the comments.

So for the time being, everything will continue as usual. I am aware that it is not ideal. But there are more important issues to deal with than nail care. I hope I don't have to explain how to cut fingernails. I'm only going to go into two or three specifics here, which please be sure to take into account if you want to cut my nails.

  • The best way to cut my nails - in my humble opinion - is with nail clippers. I have three high-quality ones made of stainless steel (which constantly disappear and reappear in the most absurd places, e.g. on the pots in the kitchen) and one that is partly made of white plastic. In a pinch, this one will do.
  • There are two high quality nail care sets. Both have not been sighted since they were delivered.
  • The skin under my nails is not dead. On the contrary, the mere touch is painful. I don't know how many nurses have told me I was wrong and a minute later my right thumb has bled. The associated pain is subterranean.
  • I hate short cut nails. It feels like shit and looks even more stupid.
  • Both my thumbs are filed exclusively. They are never clipped or even cut.
  • Files are over 200 somewhere, I don't know where my carers always put them away and can't remember where they put it.
  • When it comes to my nails and the skin on and under them, I'm a real fuckwit. If I got a euro every time for saying "Don't worry, I'll take care of it"... Well-meaning advice; spare us both the discussion. You can only lose it. Ernstgucksmiley.
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