Canada, oh Canada
Seitenaufrufe: 719 Kanada, oh Kanada. Über Erdöl, Erdgas, Regenwald und was zur Hölle geht mich das an? Von meinen...
Seitenaufrufe: 719 Kanada, oh Kanada. Über Erdöl, Erdgas, Regenwald und was zur Hölle geht mich das an? Von meinen...
My days are all like Sundays. The sun rarely shines during the day for me. I don't set an alarm clock for that,...
Page views: 226 I confess. I have thought about it. I could make it easy for myself. Isn't it ever the case that...
What fascinates me so much about it is that it shows just how much you can fix in a very short space of time with...
Assuming it took you 1:30 minutes to read the previous 388 words like the average person, the species...
The legal situation is shit. The AOK employees I deal with show zero integrity. A quality that...
I could vomit when I hear all the idiots at the climate conference. So much concentrated stupidity and...