Yes, exciting story. Maybe you still remember. Right from the beginning we had nothing but trouble with the PEG pump (read more here). She was spackling around in one go. And no, of course you're not allowed to say that nowadays. But I am, after all I am severely handicapped, correction, severely handicapped (read more here, Zwinkeysmiley).

At the time, I brashly claimed that it was crappily programmed software that never went through a real UAT. So other than going down mercilessly. Too quick to flood the market. Too stingy in development. Belonging to the far too dominant trash corporation Nestlé. The possible causes and backgrounds are as varied as the number of devices sold worldwide.

Now, of course, I have little recourse against Nestlé. There are possibilities, but they don't seem very efficient to me. But where I do have some leverage is with my supplier. After weeks of talking, documenting and photographing have brought nothing, action must follow. And that means that after every pump system error I document everything as usual, but I don't leave it at that. Instead, I ask for repairs. After all, my health insurance company rents and pays for a functioning system with my money. Easy.

Because the problems are known to the manufacturer and there is no known "repair option", my supplier is logically running out of options. He can't do anything other than send me an employee with a new pump every time and slam the defective device in front of Nestlé again.

You do this game once, next week again, and the week after that again. Always be polite and sweet, but firmly and consistently defend your own point of view. At some point, the pressure of suffering becomes so great that the machinery is set in motion.

Whether the right authorities intervened at some point, the manufacturer had too many defective devices with always the same problem on the table or I am just lucky, we will never know. The fact is that after countless exchange units, I eventually got one with a completely new software version.

And lo and behold, the error has completely disappeared. I haven't even informed my supplier yet, it occurs to me. I wanted to wait a few weeks before giving the all-clear. But he hasn't contacted me since the last exchange. So in that respect, my.

For me, that's done. I finally have a functioning PEG pump. The only drawback is that it displeases my vegan habitat-oriented convictions to support a corporation like Nestlé by name. But I have no alternative at the moment. Everything in its own time.