Dear Diary,

I would be if I worked like that. I would have no more customers and would have gone broke long ago. I would be ashamed of myself.

I think this to myself surprisingly often when it comes to providers and manufacturers of medical aids.

I have the greatest understanding for the fact that the high costs for such products and services are not entirely out of thin air. The approval procedures are complex, the development expensive, the employees want to be paid. Despite a high liability risk, which is presumably not exactly easy to insure - after all, it is necessary to insure the possible death of a patient if, for example, the ventilator has a defect - the company has to be profitable at the end of the day, or at least at the end of the year.


Then the fucking shit should work too.

The PEG pump Compat ella does not do this. I am now getting the fourth identical pump because all three before it have the same problem. For no apparent reason, they stop working due to an "undocumented error" according to the manufacturer's technical documentation (omg someone told me that this is also the Nestlé Group, which I hate - I'll have to find out if this is true). Usually it is "Error 6" or "error 7.

Of course, most patients won't give a damn. Half of them are in a coma, a quarter don't notice when the pump is changed for other reasons. Or forget about it right away. Of the rest, the vast majority are probably exempt from co-payments. Not like me, who has to pay something for every unsuccessful exchange. It's only a few euros each time, but they get on my nerves more than any pharmacy bill for €50. Because I think it's an insult to even deliver devices with such serious serial defects. You don't want to tell me that I'm the only one who keeps getting this ominous error 6. And in the exchange unit too. And in the exchange unit from the exchange unit as well.

Anyone want to bet against me? I bet €100 ¨that the exchange unit from the exchange unit from the exchange unit will not be faultless either.

Unfortunately, you can't choose in my position. If the stupid thing would at least be quiet and not wake me up every morning. But you can't do that either, because most of the nurses wouldn't even notice that something wasn't working.

Let's hope for the best. Maybe I have now got a pump with new software.

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