Or something like that. Have so much in my head, but can't write. The mask is not my friend today. No reproach to anyone. I just hurt everything from decubitus under my ear, to my neck (because I imagine that's where the headgear is), to my eyes, cheeks, nose, lips and teeth. Also, my eye control focus is constantly "bouncing". I literally can't type because I can barely hit the letters. As usual when the mask pulls so hard on my eyes that I can't look straight ahead. So at least that's what I imagine. Just like the machine that alarms without pause. Leakage, hyperventilation, pain-induced gasping. Take your pick.
Too much for me today. I dim the light, close my eyes and try to at least get my breathing under control, despite the sacrilegious pain. With painkillers, I hope I can manage that.
Good night.