Actually, you should be beaten for thatn

Baby Hit-list me one more time. A slap left and right, that would be the appropriate reaction. But no, as a pacifist I'm still holding out the other side of myself. Pretty stupid, but on the other hand, good things come to those who wait.

And so, for the time being, I'll stick with what I hope will be an entertaining presentation, taken out of context and ridiculed by exaggeration, in my personal top 10 "no-goes".

  1. Cover me up, strip me completely naked and "clean" me in bed with surface disinfection, then soap me up from head to toe. And leave me to freeze for two hours until they have finished the laundry. Read more? You can find it here: Basic care

  2. To tell the surprise visitor, who enters the flat with his own key on Saturday morning, one of the most implausible old wives' tales I have ever heard. Of course, he didn't drink the can of Jackie Cola. Some completely retarded person threw it in the rubbish and now the whole flat smells of it. He took it out of the bin to rinse it out. More about that? You can find it here: The insensitive sick person.

  3. "I have to have a little whisky from you now." (he said, ignoring my dimenti and emptying the bottle until the end of service) Read more? You can find it here: Inventory Olé

  4. Leaving me in the shit for over an hour, because night duty comes shortly and I'm so stressed that my own coffee is more important. I would have loved to use the time to clean myself up, because my three friends who are visiting are having dinner in the dining room. I really don't need to have my ass wiped when my friends are sitting next to me. Read more? You can find it here: Shift, change.

  5. Finding a syringe filled with cloudy liquid by the sink and wanting to give it to me via the PEG without knowing whether it is a tablet, cleaning agent or something else.

  6. "With the powder you call ice, you need yes a straw to drink that". (was about the crushed ice I bought for my carers for the premium brand drinks and alcoholic beverages I also bought for my carers).

  7. "I never took anything home, just empty bottles for crafting." (apart from the fact that empty bottles are also my property, no one drank from them except you, you moron) More on this? You can find it here: Inventory Olé

  8. Going out onto the balcony with a coffee and a cigarette and throwing it over to me as I walk by, saying he's sorry, I'll get my coffee in a minute. But he's so keen on a cigarette right now. Read more? You can find it here: Shift, change.

  9. They just don't believe me when I say that I haven't had a bowel movement yet. No, the nurse has to convince herself. More about this? You can find it here: Don't hurt my feelings.

  10. Banning me as a PDL from my own Whatsapp group because I supposedly demotivate the nursing staff with my criticism. More on this? You can find it here: Shift, change.

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