Micropositioning legs
Seitenaufrufe: 943 Hin und wieder tut ein wenig Abwechslung richtig gut. Mit dieser Lagerungsmethode entspannen meine Beine sehr gut....
Seitenaufrufe: 943 Hin und wieder tut ein wenig Abwechslung richtig gut. Mit dieser Lagerungsmethode entspannen meine Beine sehr gut....
Page views: 531 Well, basic care. What is there to say? Not much, you're the professional. Suffice it to say...
Pageviews: 519 Wiping your face with lukewarm water is enough for me. A little now and then...
Seitenaufrufe: 503 Ich bin zwar nicht inkontinent, aber durch die verkümmerte Leisten-, Becken-, Gesäß-, Bein- und Bauchmuskulatur fällt es...
Page views: 590 My absolute favourite topic. I was told that you don't have to explain something like that. My experience is different...
Pageviews: 504 Due to the fact that I tend to spend much more time on my right ear than on my left ear, I...
Page views: 574 I know it's annoying. But believe me, even more annoying than constantly stretching out my fingers is...
Page views: 546 I think the shutdown is self-explanatory. Just one thing: I put the head down for the purpose of...
Pageviews: 585 Setting it up is a bit tricky for me, you need a feeling for it and it is helpful if...